A new culture… What does that mean?

Martin Colyer
At Atmosphere we believe that transformation is led by people, not technology. The common denominator in your business is your culture, but how do you integrate culture with transformation? Culture - The shared values within an organisation. Values - What you measure, what you ignore, what the organisation aspires to be and the investment it is willing to make to get there. Behaviours -  The cultivated response to events, both internal and external. An organisation’s defining culture should therefore look like this: Digital working culture = shared values + celebrated behaviours + baseline digital competency … and why does it matter? Digital transformation always implies going from state A to state B. For the majority, transformation means changes to work methods, new tools for communication and collaboration, horizontal reorganisation, and a redefinition of time and distance. This doesn’t come easily to everyone. Just looking at technology alone, not all employees and generations are equal. When faced with unfamiliar digital tools, new ways of operating, faster life cycles and shifts in the balance of power it’s understandable that employees will worry. Some may simply panic and refuse to engage altogether. Digital transformation is a transverse change but if implemented from above, in terms of the group, it will probably fail. The human individual won’t be taken into account. In a 2016 McKinsey survey Culture for a Digital Age, 33% of global executives reported cultural and behavioural change as their most significant barrier to meeting digital priorities. How will your organisation meet the human challenges presented by digital transformation? How do you orchestrate and manage the change process? Atmosphere have created a practical and actionable insight report, including a 3-stage Ways of Working model. It helps organisations better understand their current position, identifies the issues to address and sets out a clear strategy for moving painlessly into the digital age.

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